Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Last Day! Half Day! Birthday Thursday!

Hey, ya'll. In case you didn't know...Thursday is the last day of school. It's also a half day, and we'll be celebrating May and summer birthdays. We have lots to celebrate!

Civil War Museum

Thanks for coming today! We had so much fun showing you all what we've been working on the last couple of weeks. Our fourth and fifth graders worked very hard writing and memorizing scripts, coloring scenery, and of course learning all about the Civil War. Way to go, Fisher Baker kids!

Friday, May 13, 2016

Students of the Week 5/13

This weeks students of the week are Ruby and Andres!
 Both of these students have been nominated for being helpful. Ruby's classmate nominated her for helping with work they were confused on.  Andres was spotted at lunch being kind to a kid that didn't have anyone to eat with or play with. Thanks for looking beyond yourselves to help others, Andres and Ruby!

SAVE THE DATE: Civil War Museum

These flyers with go home next week, but in the meantime, save the date!

Grand Canyon Field Trip Success

We were very fortunate to have an incredibly beautiful and dynamic learning experience yesterday at the Grand Canyon. We identified fossils, tested rock layer samples, hiked, and learned the four steps that created the Grand Canyon. Thanks again, chaperones for helping to make our trip possible!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Grand Canyon Field Trip Tomorrow

Grand Canyon Field Trip Tomorrow!

·      Arrive at school by 7:00 am. The bus will leave at 7:15, and we will not wait for latecomers.
·      Bring a backpack with:
o  Water
o  A sack lunch (unless you ordered one)
o  A reading book
o  Pencil pouch
·      Wear walking shoes and comfortable layers. Check the weather.
·      Make sure you have a ride home arranged. We return around 3:40.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Week in Review 5/2-5/6

Hey there, Fisher Baker families!

We sure are feeling appreciated over here! Thanks so much for the sweets, treats, flowers, and kind words you've shared during teacher appreciation week. We love teaching your kids. :)

Over here we've had a week full of Civil War and state reports. We can't even believe there's only a few more weeks of school...

This Week in Academics:

  • We researched, made graphic organizers, and started rough drafts for our state reports
  • We learned about diseases and medical procedures during the Civil War 
  • We discussed the effects of weather on camp life and Civil War battles
  • We researched key figures of the Civil War
  • We learned about the skeletal system from Ms. Fredrick (our Praxis student)
  • We gardened

Looking Ahead:

  • NO SCHOOL this Monday, May 9th (Snow day make up)
    • Field Trip to the Grand Canyon  this Thursday, May 12th- Students need to:
    • Get to school at 7:00 am
    • Bring sack lunch to school (unless they ordered one)
    • Wear active clothing
    • Be picked up around 3:40

Have a great three day weekend treatin' your mamas like the queens they are!

Ms. Baker 

Students of the Week 5/6/16

This week's students of the week are.....Indigo and Emma! Indigo was nominated by a classmate who Indigo shared her snack with. Emma was nominated for helping a classmate clean something up. We are so happy kindness is happening without us asking around our room. Thanks for being considerate and helpful, you two! Way to go!