Friday, August 26, 2016

A Week In Review 8/22/16- 8/26/16


Another week down for the school year! Here in rooms 28/30, we're still working out our bugs and coming together as a team. We enjoyed getting to chat with many families at the Open House on Wednesday. Thanks so much for coming! If you weren't able to make it, and you've got a question for us, feel free to email us at and

This Week in Academics:
  • We retaught and enriched last week's math topics.
  • We continued place value with expanded form and multiplying and dividing by tens.
  • We began reading Roald Dahl's The Witches. (Ask your kid about it. It's a good one.)
  • We practiced identifying and using adjectives.
  • We began our spelling/ vocabulary routine.

Looking Ahead:
  •  Next week will be another round of spelling/vocabulary homework.
  •  We plan to send home the "traveling folder" next week with a recent assessment and optional unfinished work so be on the lookout for that.
  • There is no school NEXT Monday, September 9/5 for Labor Day.

Have a great rainy weekend! 

Ms. Baker and Ms. Fisher

Students of the Week 8/26/16

This week's students of the week are....

Makenzie, Michael B., and Nathan! These three are shining examples of bravery, kindness, and helpfulness.

We'd like to recognize Makenzie for lot of things this week. She has volunteered to help students that didn't understand something and is very patient with those around her. Thanks for all you do, rockstar!

Michael B. is student of the week this week because he has not hesitated to speak up and join the class conversation, even when he does not understand something. He's certainly not afraid to learn from his mistakes! Thanks, Michael B.!

Nathan, a new fourth grader in our class, has not been shy about asking for help from his podmates. As a newbie in our class, it's so smart to ask for help whenever you need it! Way to set that example, Nathan!

Friday, August 19, 2016

Week in Review: 8/15/16-8/19/16

It's official! We've been back at school for a full Monday through Friday week! Here's a little of what went on here.

This Week in Academics:
  • We practiced identifying common and proper nouns
  • We identified and came up with synonyms and antonyms
  • We practiced using dictionaries with partners on a Dictionary Scavenger Hunt.
  • We practiced naming place value spots, telling values of digits, and we read lots of long numbers.
  • We took a couple of quizzes to assess this week's learning.
 Looking Ahead: 
  • Please send any straggling forms including proof of residence documentation to school on Monday
  • Expect to see spelling homework come home Monday-Thursday of next week.
  • This Wednesday 8/24 at 5:00 p.m. come visit our class and get to know us and our routines on Open House Night. We hope to see you all there!
Enjoy your weekend!

Ms. Baker and Ms. Fisher

Students of the Week: 8/19/16

This week, lots of kids were nominated for students of the week. We chose just three of these stand-out students.

 Although Aneeka is new to our class,  she's already standing out! She is a very careful listener and direction follower. Not only has she been jumping in there in class work, but she's also been a super friendly kid to her classmates.

 Angelica has been ready to help out in lots of ways already. This kind kid was nominated for offering lots of help to her teachers and other classmates, and this leader surely deserves the title this week.

Kyler is off to a great start this year! We've seen his hand up all week, ready to contribute to class discussions. On top of that, he's been a great partner and teammate to kids who are learning the ropes in our class.

Way to go, you three! We're proud to have you on our team!

Friday, August 12, 2016

Week in Review 8/11/16-8/12/16

And just like that our first "week" of school is behind us. We were glad to meet many of you and have really enjoyed getting to know our kiddos here at school. Each Friday you can expect an update from us on how our week went and reminders for the future. Welcome Back!

This Week:
  • We discussed the values and culture of the Fisher Baker classroom.
  • We practiced collaborating with partners, half pods, and whole pods while getting to know a little bit about each other.

Looking Ahead:
  • Students need to have all of their school supplies by this Monday, August 15. (If this is a financial strain, drop us an email or send us a note.) 
  • Forms we need back at school by next Friday, August 19.
    • Walking Field Trip/ PG Movie Permission Slip
    •  Emergency Information Card (Blue)
    •  Arizona Residency Form ***Plus Document with Address (White)
    •  Photo Release Form (Yellow) 
    • Technology EIS User Agreement Form (White)
    • Acetaminophen/ Tylenol Consent Form (White)
    • Insurance Form (Pink)
    • Free & Reduced Lunh (Please Apply Online. Do Not Return to School)
  • August 24: Open House at 5:00

Students of the Week: 8/12/16

Each week in the Fisher Baker classroom, students of the week are chosen. These students are nominated by classmates and sometimes Ms. Fisher and Ms. Baker. Students can be nominated for any number of reasons, but are generally recognized for kindness, compassion, selflessness, and helpfulness, among other leadership qualities. To recognize these students, they get a little shout out here on the blog, their photo on our hallway wall, and a week of couch privileges. We love hearing stories of kindness that happen at Marshall!

This week, the title of students of the week go to...

Delisia, Addi, and Michael D.!

After only a day and a half, these three fifth graders have already shown leadership in our class.

Delisia has been very helpful and friendly to her pod mates and teachers.

 Michael has started the year off right by being super helpful as well as collaborating well with his pod mates.

 Addi is a very patient pod mate that has been willing to help others settle into our class.

Congratulations,  Addi, Michael, and Delisia!

Monday, August 8, 2016

2016-2017 Supply List

Welcome to the Fisher Baker Class! Your child will be receiving a welcome letter and supply list on the first day of school. Here's the list early if you're looking to get a jump on your shopping. 

School Supply List: Due Monday (8/15/16) 
Because of space issues in the classroom, students do not have desks to store items. Instead, they have pillowcase “pouches” that attach to their chairs. We ask that students limit their personal school supplies to the required spiral notebooks and folders and a few other things that will fit inside a zippered soft pencil case. Prohibited items and items that do not fit in the pencil case (excluding the notebooks and folders) will be returned home. Please label supplies with the student’s name to ensure that lost or borrowed items are returned to their rightful owner.


  •        A large container of Clorox wipes or box of Kleenex
  •        A solid, neutral colored, cotton/cotton blend, standard sized pillow case (no king size/ no flannel or jersey)
  •        Four one-subject wire ringed notebooks
  •        3 folders with pockets (no binders)
  •       A soft pencil case (or two) that contains the following supplies:

o   A small personal stapler
o   Pencils
o   Erasers
o   A small pair of scissors
o   Colored pencils or crayons
o   Several dark colored dry erase markers
o   A small whiteboard eraser or piece of cloth
o   Highlighters
o   A glue stick

Our classroom is also in need of some good quality staplers, hand sanitizer, dry erase markers, duct tape, masking tape, and “fun” kid/school friendly prizes. Any donations are truly appreciated!
Students may NOT have hard backed pencil cases, markers, binders, multi-subject notebooks, composition books, or Sharpies.

If you can sew, please let us know ASAP! We need help sewing pillowcases!