Thursday, August 31, 2017

Week in Review 9/1/17

Hey, Fisher Baker families!

We hope you had a nice week out there. Here in rooms 28/30, we've been getting used to the homework routine for the year. We ask that you encourage your kiddos to manage their time wisely during their study hall, so that they can complete their homework efficiently so they can go outside and play during their lunch recess! We had much fewer kids making up incomplete work this week, but still a few kids forgetting their agendas, leaving their homework at home, or not finishing the work they started. Let's nip this in the bud and work on those great work habits!

This week in academics:

  • We started Magnet Monday! (If your kid's Magnet Monday class needs a permission slip signed, be sure to sing and send that back!)
  • We learned that meters, liters, and grams measure length, volume, and mass (although at this level we just say weight).
  • We converted different sized measures within the metric system. (Ask your kiddo about "King Henry.") 
  • We continued reading about Brian's struggle to survive in Hatchet.
  • Ms. Gearhart taught us about action, helping, and linking verbs.
  • We practiced converting numbers between standard, word, and expanded form.
  • We compared choosing an appropriate reading book to choosing between junk food and healthy food.
  • We planned and wrote paragraphs after reading an article about making playgrounds accessible to children with different abilities. 

Looking Ahead:
  • We sent home picture day forms today! Picture day is on Thursday, September 21st.
  • No school Monday for Labor Day. 
  • We will still have spelling homework next week, but due to the short week, we will only have 5 words, instead of 10 vocabulary words.
  • 5th Graders will have social health on Thursday morning and Friday.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Students of the Week 8/25

Again, we've had a difficult time choosing just three students as our students of the week. This is our favorite kind of problem to have. :) This week's students of the week are...

Brooklin, Jaedan, and Kaden!

Brooklin has been a participation queen! Not only has she been ready to make her voice heard, but she has also helped others be their best at her pod, kindly reminding kids of their responsibilities. Thanks for being a rock star this week, Brooklin!

Speaking of helping others be their best...Jaedan is such a strong leader. She is a great partner to have because she helps catch mistakes and she tries her very best. She's also always willing to help our her class by collecting papers and organizing a mess she finds. Way to go, Jaedan!

Kaden is another positive force in our classroom. He helps others with a smile as well as consistently challenging himself. Thanks for being a great example to look up to, Kaden!

Week in Review 8/21-8/25

Hey there! It's been an eventful week here in the Fisher Baker classroom. With the completion of our second full week, we are enjoying getting to know our new students and their families. We are also starting to gel as a group and learn where our strengths lie. This year's kiddos have great attitudes and are ready to take responsibility when they need to fix something. Taking responsibility for doing spelling homework is definitely something that needs to be fixed. Next week will be another spelling week, so watch for this homework to be coming home Monday-Thursday. Though we have some homework issues to address, we've had a positive and productive week here.

This Week in Academics:
  • We safely viewed the solar eclipse. (So cool!)
  • We began reading Hatchet by Gary Paulsen.
  • We practiced identifying and using nouns and adjectives. 
  • We multiplied and divided numbers by 10 / 100 / 1,000 / 10,000 etc. by moving digits on a place value chart.
  • We began our spelling homework routine.
  • We took our baseline district Synergy Quest assessments for math and reading.

Looking Ahead:
  • We will have spelling homework again next week.
    • Mon: Definitions
    • Tues: Definitions
    • Wed: Synonyms and Antonyms
    • Thurs: Sentences
  • We will be sending home the Traveling Folder with assessments from the last two weeks. Be sure to sign and return it, and discuss these quizzes with your child by next Friday.
  • Please return any lingering forms and Arizona residency documentation.
  • Magnet Monday will begin on Monday! 

Have a wonderful weekend!
Ms. Baker, Ms. Fisher, and Ms. Gearhart (Student Teacher)

Friday, August 18, 2017

Students of the Week 8/18

We had so many acts of leadership and kindness this week, that it was hard to choose just three students of the week!

This week's students of the week are...

Trezaun, Brianna, and Destyni!

Trezaun has been on top of all of his responsibilities and has been making sure to speak up in class. His podmates can count on him to be helpful and they can look to him for an example of kindness and positive behavior. Nice job, Trezaun!

Destyni is a great partner to have in our class. She leads by example and helps others when they don't understand something. Way to go, Destyni!

Brianna has been participating in class and stepping up her game by doing her job right away without being asked. We are proud of you, Brianna!

Week in Review 8/14-8/18


We've made it to the end of our first full week in the Fisher/ Baker classroom. This week we jumped right in to many of our academic routines. We have some amazing note takers in our class. We also have some great collaborators when we've picked partners for our fourth and fifth graders. We did notice that when given the opportunity to choose our own partners, many of us need to make wiser decisions about who to work with. As we are getting to know one another it is apparent to us that we have a group of very kind, polite kids. Overall, it's been a wonderful week of learning.

This Week in Academics:

  • We practiced identifying place value spots
  • We practiced reading long numbers 
  • We distinguished between value and place value 
  • We practiced answering questions in complete sentences, which include both a subject and a predicate. 
  • We practiced identifying and creating pairs of synonyms and antonyms
  • We planned and wrote paragraphs that addressed a writing prompt.
  • We practiced alphabetizing words to prepare for dictionary use next week.
  • We practiced using our solar glasses with visitors from Lowell Observatory.

Looking Ahead:
  • Please sign and return the solar eclipse viewing permission slip to let us know if you'd like your child to participate in safe viewing of the solar eclipse on Monday
  • If you'd like to sign up for Girls on the Run, our first practice is Tuesday. Register this weekend online at if you'll be joining our team this season.
  • Join us for the Marshall Open House on Wednesday, August 23rd to meet us, and learn about how our class works from 5:00-6:30
  • Next week we will have spelling homework. Students will have class time to get started or even finish, but may have to finish at home.
  • Please fill out and return any lingering paperwork. We are missing documentation for proof of residency for many of our students. This means a copy of your driver's license or a copy of a utility bill with your name/ address on it. 
  • Next Friday is Birthday Friday!
We hope you all have a lovely weekend spent with your families!

Ms. Baker and Ms. Fisher

Friday, August 11, 2017

Students of the Week 8/11

Every week we will recognize 2-3 students who have shown kindness to others. These students are nominated by their classmates and/or teachers. This year's very first students of the week are...

Ally, Robert J., and Payne!

Ally has been an incredibly helpful teammate at the head of her pod, and is already setting a great example for our newbies. Great job, Ally!

Payne stood out to us this week because of his friendly and polite demeanor with his new classmates. Thanks for showing your classmates how it's done, Payne!

Although Robert is a newbie in our class, he has participated and contributed to class discussion. He was also a helpful and involved partner to a classmate. Way to go, Robert!

Week in Review 8/10/17-8/11-17

Hey there, Fisher Baker families!

We had a great first day and a half here in rooms 28/30. What a great group of polite and friendly kiddos we have! Every Friday this year, you can check here for weekly updates about what we're learning along with a look ahead at events that are coming up.

This Week:

  • We played games to help us learn about the Fisher / Baker class expectations.
  • Classmates interviewed one another to get more familiar with each other. 
  • We sent home Marshall packets to be filled out by Monday.
Looking Ahead:
  • Please fill out all Marshall paperwork and return by Monday
  • Please send supplies with your child by Monday. (Let us know if you need assistance in this area.)
  • Wednesday August 23rd from 5-6:30: Open House