Friday, October 27, 2017

Students of the Week 10/27

This week's students of the week are...

Raine, Jasmine, and Luisa!

Raine has been very helpful to her classmates this week. Helping others with their work great way to practice your explanation skills and is also a kind and considerate thing to do! Thanks, Raine!

Jasmine has also been helpful to her classmates as well. One of her peers didn't understand something we were learning, so she took the time to help. Thanks, Jasmine!

Luisa has been super on top of participating this week. Way to get in there and take charge of your learning, Luisa!

Week in Review

Hey there, Fisher Baker Families!

We've had a great week of learning here at Marshall! Here's what we've been up to:

This Week in Academics:

  • We delved into the agricultural aspects of the Maya, Inca, and Aztec people.
  • We compared the effects of water erosion on sloping sand to water erosion's effects on stone-reinforced terraces.
  • We learned to list all of a  number's factor and discussed a few divisibility rules.
    • An even number always has a factor of 2.
    • Every number has a factor of 1.
    • A number has a factor of 3 if its digits add up to a number you can divide by 3.
  • We learned to multiply using the area model method for when numbers are too large to repeatedly add or draw dots on an array.
  • We took the area model a step further and learned to multiply using the distributive property.
  • We are improving our writing by practicing how to vary our sentence structure within a paragraph.
  • 5th Graders continued to diligently practice their Taiko drumming routine.

Looking Ahead:
  • No homework next week!
  • MARBLE PARTY! Tuesday 10/31 we are celebrating our good behavior in specials classes. If students choose to wear costumes, they must be non-violent, mask-free, and non-restrictive for P.E. and Taiko drumming. Treats are welcome! 
  • Next Thursday 11/2 is the evening Taiko drumming performance. 5th Graders will need to be at Marshall to get their costumes on and organized no later than 5:00. The performance will begin at 5:30.
  • Next Friday 11/3, the 5th graders will be performing for their peers at an assembly at 9:30 am. Fifth graders, please be present for this performance!
  • No School on 11/10 for Veteran's Day.
  • GREAT NEWS! Our class was the top fund-raiser for the Mustang Gallop! This means that we will be receiving a free field trip to Lowell Observatory sometime this year. We'll keep you updated as we work to plan for this awesome prize!
  • 11/15 @4:30 SAVE THE DATE for Parent University
    • I (Ms. Baker) will be teaching a class on demystifying common core math. If 4th and 5th grade math techniques are puzzling to you, and you'd like to know more about why we teach math the way we do, come to my class!  Flyers will be heading home in the next week or so. 
My goodness! So many exciting things to look forward to! Enjoy your weekend.

Ms. Baker, Ms. Fisher, Ms. Gearhart, and Ms. Vikki

Friday, October 20, 2017

Students of the Week 10/20

This week's students of the week are...

Sophia, Robert, and Sean!

Sophia has been super on top of her participation lately! In math especially, she has been sharing her thinking. Way to go, Sophia!

Sean has also been enthusiastically engaged in math. Way to lead by example, Sean!

Robert has done a really nice job staying on task and showing his best both in groups and independently. Nice work, Robert!

Week in Review 10/16-10/20

Hello there!

We had a nice first week back from fall break here. We've been focusing on implementing goals we made at conferences since we have a fresh start with a second quarter. This has meant working on writing things in our own words, contributing more to class discussions, and taking more responsibility for homework. Here's a bit more of what we've been up to this week.

This week in Academics:
Aztec Glyphs

  • We began our unit on the Maya, Aztec, and Inca cultures
    • We created codices with information about each group's writing/ communication tools
  • We learned to distinguish between primary and secondary sources. 
  • We FINISHED Hatchet! Be sure to ask your child about the exciting conclusion.
  • We learned some multiplication basics.
    • groups of things
    • arrays
    • repeated addition
    • properties of multiplication
    • a shortcut method we use in our class "triangling basic facts"
  • We practiced arranging events in chronological order on a timeline

Looking Ahead
  • Next week we will have expert's homework. (Our last week of expert's before we switch to spelling for a couple of weeks.)
  • Next Friday is October Birthday Friday!
  • Save the Date: Taiko Drumming performance Thursday, 11/2 @ 5:30
  • Save the Date: NO SCHOOL Friday, 11/10 (Veteran's Day)
  • Save the Date: Parent University Wednesday, 11/15 @ 4:30

Have a lovely fall weekend!
Ms. Baker & Ms. Fisher

Friday, October 6, 2017

Students of the Week 10/6

This week's students of the week are...Raine, Jonathan, and Joseph.

These three stood out this week because they represented Marshall and the F/B class so well on the field trip yesterday. They worked well with others, were respectful of Elden Pueblo's staff, and were ready for directions. These awesome behaviors make us want to go on more and more field trips. Way to go, Raine, Jonathan, and Joseph!

Students of the Week 9/29

I (Ms. Baker) made an oopsie and forgot to post last week's students of the week! Well here they are...better late than never. 

Peyton, Dominique, and Jake! All three of these students have been stepping up, joining in our class discussions and taking responsibility! Way to go, you three.

Peyton has been super on top of his homework and classwork. Even when he was sick, he came back ready to get caught up. Nice job, Peyton. 

Jake is getting more and more involved in class discussions. Way to get your voice out there, Jake!

Dominique has really been stepping up and taking responsibility for herself academically. She's been setting a great example for others in how to be in charge of yourself when it comes to her job as a student. Nice, Dominique!

Week in Review 10/2-10/5

Hey there, F/B Galaxy!

With the start of conferences, a field trip to Elden Pueblo, and the Mustang Gallop, it's been a whirlwind of a week over here. We've been doing a lot of authentic learning and certainly having fun!

This Week in Academics:

  • We took Quest Language and Math iPad Tests for the end of quarter 1.
  • We practiced counting by tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands, etc. 
  • We practiced finding endpoints and midpoints.
  • We practiced rounding on  vertical and horizontal number lines.
  • We began a final map project.
  • We learned about the Sinagua people by observing artifacts at Elden Pueblo
  • We practiced presenting our portfolios to one another in preparation for our parent teacher conferences.

Looking Ahead:

  • Next week's schedule is shortened due to conferences.
    • Monday: Half Day Dismissal @ 12:25
    • Tuesday: Half Day Dismissal @ 12:25
    • Wednesday: SUPER Half Day Dismissal @ 11:10
    • Thursday: NO SCHOOL (FALL HOLIDAY)
  • No homework next week!
  • Fifth Graders: Bring your Taiko permission slips signed by next week! We'll be starting Taiko drumming the week after fall break. 
Have a great weekend!
Ms. Baker and Ms. Fisher