This Week in Academics:
- We practiced area, perimeter, and missing angles
- We built words using prefixes, suffixes, and base words.
- The fifth graders learned lessons in grit, and pushing through the frustration of learning a tough new skill, skiing! We had a beautiful day on the mountain encouraging each other to try our best, falling down, and getting back up.
- The fourth graders discovered how to create a magnet using electricity--an elelctromagnet!
- The fourth graders learned about relative pronouns with our student teacher, Ms. Peterson.
- We found lines of symmetry on various shapes.
- We analyzed our findings from our food waste audit with Ms. C. and Ms. Melissa from Willowbend.
Looking Ahead:

- Next Week is Random Acts of Kindness Spirit Week!
- Monday: Pajama Day
- Tuesday: Tie Dye Day
- Wednesday: Pink and Red Day
- Thursday: Hawaii Day
- Friday: Crazy Hair Day
- On Wednesday afternoon, we will be celebrating our class's positive behavior in their specials with a Waffle Party! If you'd like to send in treats, make it something we can top on a waffle! It also just so happens to be Valentine's Day. We have 50 students (and 4 teachers). You're welcome to send in Valentines, but just without individual student names on them. It takes FOREVER to pass out 50 individually addressed valentines...trust us.
- No School NEXT Monday 2/19 for Presidents' Day
- Our class's science fair projects are due on Wednesday, 2/21
- We've approved the plans of all of our students
- Science fair boards are on sale for 5 dollars at the front office
- Here are a few other resources if you're interested Science Fair Stuff
Keep it up on those science fair projects! Have a great weekend!